I have been running @Toggleton's commands to try and reproduce his lock up. I was able to reproduce it with dev after 1361 calls at 0.5 second spacing. I will be providing the latest…
## my environment running ArangoDB
I'm using the latest ArangoDB of the respective release series:
- [X] 3.2
- [X] Single-Server
- [X] rocksdb
On this operating syst…
## my environment running ArangoDB
I'm using the latest ArangoDB of the respective release series:
- [ ] 2.8
- [ ] 3.0
- [ ] 3.1
- [x] 3.2
- [ ] self-compiled devel branch
- [ ] Cluste…
## my environment running ArangoDB
I'm using the latest ArangoDB of the respective release series:
- [ ] 2.8
- [ ] 3.0
- [ ] 3.1
- [x] 3.2
- [ ] self-compiled devel branch
- [x] Cluste…
## my environment running ArangoDB
I'm using the latest ArangoDB of the respective release series:
3.1 on Single-Server with mmfiles on Windows 10
I'm issuing AQL via:
- [x] web interface with …
Hi i'm using arangodb 3.2.2 with cluster setup having three servers by using **arangodb** utility with **rocksdb** as storage engine.
so my cluster has three coordinators,three dbservers.
I have sta…
## my environment running ArangoDB
I'm using the latest ArangoDB of the respective release series:
- [ ] 2.8
- [ ] 3.0
- [ ] 3.1
- [x] 3.2
- [ ] self-compiled devel branch
- [ ] Cluste…
## my environment running ArangoDB
I'm using the latest ArangoDB of the respective release series:
- [x] 3.3
- [x] Cluster
- [x] rocksdb
On this operating system:
## my environment running ArangoDB
- [x] 3.2 (3.2.4)
- [x] Single-Server
- [x] rocksdb
- [x] Linux
- [x] Debian .deb
### this is an AQL-related issue:
I'm issuing AQL via:
- [x] arangos…
With ArangoDB 3.2, the functionality for using Pregel has been added. I had a [discussion](https://arangodb-community.slack.com/messages/C07NV9NAH/convo/C07NV9NAH-1503032737.000076/) with the ad…