Seems like #521 was not enough: after upgrading my image I get
> Use of undefined constant PASSWORD_ARGON2I
No idea why though.
Meanwhile I keep using sodium but it bother me to use it for ar…
I create my web service with symfony and JWT, and get an issue, it return 401. And here code, please check my wrong, thank you.
Hello, I tried compiling the project myself + downloading the .jar from the releases, and in both cases I'm getting the following error when I lunch the .jar:
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Err…
I've got Ubuntu 16.04, Node 7.3.0, npm 3.10.10, node-gyp 3.5.0.
I ran `npm install sodium` in the Terminal:
> sodium@2.0.1 preinstall /home/user/Desktop/nodejs/sodium-test/node_modules/.st…
The XML docs say
> Do not compare two Argon2 hashes directly. Instead, use the Verify or VerifyAndUpdate methods.
Why? Does hashing the same password with the same parameters not always result …
Monocypher has two significant bottlenecks at the moment: Chacha20, and Argon2i. This makes libsodium 3.6 times as fast on authenticated encryption, and 57% faster at password hashing. The former is s…
Hi. I really love Argon2, but I have an issue that I can't solve it. I started using Argon2 today, and I was able to return both types of hashes (Buffer bytes and String).
Buffer bytes hash
Argon2 is the winner of the recent [Password Hashing Competition](https://password-hashing.net/).
Could you please add Argon2i/d/id algorithms for robust password based key derivation?
first I want to say thankyou to developers of this great module. I'm using argon2_cffi to write a password manager program (or programm with double m, I don't know which one is correct!). afte…
Hello !
I proposed a package for Void linux, see my Pull Request [#7407](https://github.com/voidlinux/void-packages/pull/7407).
ghost updated
6 years ago