GuassDB is a very popular MPP database in China, especially in large projects. I hope GuassDB can be supported to facilitate the use of metabase in large-scale projects
Somehow, running AOT compiled project through ProGuard breaks any predicate schemas.
Caused by: clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: :malli.core/invalid-schema {:schema #object[clojure.core$boolean_QMA…
When I clone this project and run "lein test" or "lein deps && lein test", I get the following stacktrace (after a series of reflection warnings):
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundEx…
Windows 10, Unity `2019.3.0a7`, Arcadia `b7f89c5c85c453ec645136db2aea5f0186d3d552`
clojure.lang.Compiler+AssemblyInitializationException: Error initializing arcadia.internal.config.clj, Versio…
### Describe the bug
Starting the Metabase NixOS service fails.
Caused by: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "java": error=2, No such file or directory
at java.base/java.lang.P…
Given this code:
(defn process-file [fname]
(slurp (clojure.java.io/resource fname)))
(process-file "hello.txt")
and this file in `resources/hello.txt`:
Hello Resources!
Only happens in `lein kibit --replace --interactive` mode.
lein-kibit "0.1.5"
I've scrampled keyword name and file path a bit.
~ (kibit-cleanup) → lein kibit --replace --interactive
Would y…
(ac/defmutable CoroutineManagerState [^System.Single since-last, ^System.Single period])
(ac/defrole simple-coroutines-manager
:state (ac/snapshot
I'm not sure what lein command is invoked, but this is what I'm getting with fresh install of Atom + proto-repl
Starting REPL with lein in /home/skrat/Workspace/xxx/yyy
skrat updated
8 years ago
(clojure--valid-put-clojure-indent-call-p '(put-clojure-indent 'letfn '(1 ((:defn)) nil)))
;; => *** Eval error *** Unrecognized put-clojure-indent call: (put-clojure-indent 'letfn '(…