I thought the feature vectors extracted from BERT represents word embeddings.
So I thought, in order to use these embeddings, one just have to extract it (using `extract_features.py`), then load th…
Thanks for your work.
I want to know the maximum GPU memory consumption when training all wikipedia entities. I have tried using single Tesla P100 (16G) and 4 x Tesla M60 (4 x 8 = 32G). They b…
When training an NER sequence tagger with `WordEmbeddings('de-fasttext')` I get a torch serialization error, right after the first epoch.
from flair.data_fetcher import NLPTask
from …
mhham updated
6 years ago
Assume that I have my own model (in pytorch), that can produce word embeddings (Contextualized, for simplicity, assume that I have function that takes a sentence and returns list of embeddings).
Instead of Glove and FastText word embeddings I am using ELMo, where the ELMo generates the embedding of size either 512 or 1024. I have made few modifications in the load_embeddings function i…
Thanks a lot for this work and making it available!
I used ELMo contextualized embeddings in my Keras framework ([DeLFT](https://github.com/kermitt2/delft)) and I could reproduce the excellent res…
Hi Loic,
I've been working on segmenting our own colorized point cloud data using your superpoint graph approach. Since annotating some of our own data will be time consuming (we will eventually do…
I have Tensor T = [B, T, D] of contextual word embeddings for a given piece of text. Alongside, I have a tensor S = [B, M, 2] of M-spans in this text and their representations, i.e. a tensor R = [B, …
Hello Alan,
Thanks for your good research publication "Contextual String Embeddings for Sequence Labeling", I tried to use your pre-trained model in my research.
Currently, I found your language…
Because of the small size the training set of Conll-2003, some authors incorporated the development set as a part of training data after tuning the hyper-parameters. Consequently, not all results are …