# General description of bug:
bug on Debian: Logo not show
* What happened:
Using our customization here : https://github.com/Gaming-Linux-FR/GLFfetch
black screen with console
### Package information | 软件包信息
包名 | 版本
-- | --
fastfetch | [2.1.0-deepin](https://github.com/deepin-community/fastfetch/commit/f4b890f5035ad0e58473b8914dd6e531a7b31582)
yyjson | [0.8.0](https:…
Artix Launcher
Thorium AVX2
The number of dpkg packages is incorrect in Debian 12 with fastfetch 2.1.2 (x86_64).
Fastfetch show: 1534 (dpkg)
When I Run dpkg --list | wc --lines, then show 1560
Also run neofetch, that show 1…
### `brew gist-logs ` link OR `brew config` AND `brew doctor` output
HOMEBREW_VERSION: 4.1.16-15-gee9766a
ORIGIN: https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/homebrew/brew.git
HEAD: ee9766…
bittin@rarity-ryzen-5 ~> pacman -Qi fastfetch
Namn : fastfetch
Version : 2.0.2-1
Beskrivning : Like Neofetch, but much faster because written in C
### Describe the bug
- Booting into 39.20240130.0 hangs on a black screen with a single white "_" (underscore) character in the top left. In this state it is completely unresponsive and requires a …
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### What happened?
I tried setting a fish key binding (`bind \cj history-search-forward`). And how surprised I was when it…
### Prerequisites
- [X] I have written a descriptive issue title.
- [X] I have searched all issues/PRs to ensure it has not already been reported or fixed.
- [X] I have verified that I am using the l…
I see https://github.com/fastfetch-cli/fastfetch/commit/23d2cc3fdc1d1531174a67b0dd708b05a5cba43c was very recently commited and was wondering if there would be hope for running e.g. `/lib/ld-musl-x86_…