[Paramount Pictures Corporation.txt](https://github.com/CXuesong/MwParserFromScratch/files/588456/Paramount.Pictures.Corporation.txt)
**[Original report](https://bitbucket.org/basrieter/xbmc-online-tv/issue/844) by Snah (Bitbucket: [Snaah](https://bitbucket.org/Snaah), GitHub: [Snaah](https://github.com/Snaah)).**
Here is latest icons list for FontAwesome v4.7, can you update InputfieldIcon module and font-awesome files for admin theme.
I have geemusic setup and running on Heroku, and i can ask Alexa to play a song, but no music actually starts playing. I don't know where to begin troubleshooting. It
Me: Ale…
Hi all,
I got error below when doing "deepdive do sentences" in quickstart example ("has spouse" example) with full dataset from signalmedia (1 million records):
2016-03-15 19:13:27.915991 Parsi…
As of several months ago Seamonkey 2.33.1 rendered the KiwiSDR webpage correctly; now it displays only a blank page (tried sites running v1.100 and up). I have cleared cache, cookies and have no firew…
I'm getting error **undefined reference to gst_gl_framebuffer_draw_to_texture**. Any idea why it's happening?
I have a rain meter. If I add a top tile for this device the value is reported as '0;0.7'. The first value is the current rainfall (in mm). The second value is the rainfall during the last 3 hours.
When getting a list of search results the QA status is presented as QaIssue(null), id:190
Hello, I'm just getting started with couchdb-lucene, and am trying to figure out why all queries are yielding 0 hits. I'm running the master branch compiled on OSX, and my design document looks like t…