Hey Lee,
I got around to upgrading jsonapi_suite in 0.6 and implementing resource etc. I'm having trouble with something that seemed to work previously, which is a nested include on a polymorphic o…
I'm encountering the following error:
Could the dependency on activerecord be moved to development_dependency? We are not using activerecord and including this gem unnecessarily causes its inclusion in our project. People who use activer…
I'm honestly not sure if this is a bundler issue or something with my rails app, since it's only happening in one of my rails apps, but rails apps with similar configurations are working fine.
## Q…
I keep getting **undefined method `compact'** error on master branch. I've noticed that it started to occur when PR #571 was merged.
Here's what I get from server:
exception: "undefined method `arel_table' for nil:NilClass", backtrace: [,…]
At the moment it seems render returns only a String since it uses `to_json`. There should be a `as_json` equivalent publicly accessible.
I am trying to build sample application using devise_token_auth and pundit (later)
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken
Tries to require the swagger helpers without either checking failing gracefully or having it as a dependency: https://github.com/jsonapi-suite/jsonapi_suite/blob/master/lib/jsonapi_suite.rb#L7
Hi, thanks for this awesome gem!
I got a problem when I tried to intercept pundit error with my custom jsonapi exception (so it could fall into the normal jsonapi error handling like other errors)…