Hi perhaps you already thought to many of the next suggestions but let me add them here so people can participate in the discussion.
I'd like to report some annoying issue from an user point of view:
Should be more like cropping.
TypeMetadata class needs to check to see if it is a ScriptableObject type and create the instance via the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method. I threw a sub optimal check for this locally on Line 8…
To get the ball rolling on a potential plug-in architecture, I'll make some suggestions focusing on validations that might fit equally well for other aspects such as selection and extraction.
- See al…
What other useful info could be drawn here?
Scene item/object count(s)?
User notes?
When you want to read an image into the project, all you get is the names without being able to see what the images look like. I have over a gig random images collected from the internet and photos t…
I am testing the ReadFFMPEG Node to open a file and it crashes immediately. Error report below.
Process: Natron [6213]
Path: /Applications/Natron.app/Contents/MacOS/Natron
I was adding an unpremultiply node after an image that had a alpha channel created from a layer mask in Gimp. After the crash it won't let me even get to the graph area without a quick exit.
Hi - in context of writing a gaffer app, once a Gaffer.ScriptNode is instantiated, should it not have a valid applicationRoot ?
In this example scriptNode.applicationRoot() returns `None`, causing th…
The TuttleText Node crashes every time I try to load it. Please see link and error log below.
Error Log: