### Summary of the new feature / enhancement
For instance, my private NuGet server requires a client certificate. I cannot specify this with ~~Install-Package~~ `Install-Module`.
### Proposed te…
Apologies if 'New Issue' is not the preferred communication strategy; but wanted to share that I have one of these devices. I came across this repo when trying to figure out how to make sense of the p…
Im getting error msg when get offer
I dont want to configure ntfy.sh can I leave it blank?
NOTICE: Location: 6ee20186-2124-4b3b-934c-e18c4bc04822
Date: 7/24
Pay: 63.0
Pay rate per hour: 18.0
I am testing RabbitMQ K8 Offer on AWS and when I run hossted activate -t k8 see this token problem.
We have this unit test which worked in v9.5.2.1
offer('cgg-517 ', { ICE => 'remove', direction => [qw(external internal)],
flags => [qw(codec-strip-all codec-transcode-G722 codec-…
I have a problem : when one of my player want to put someting into the Market, he have an error : `Offer creation Failed` but me i can :/
I need help
- [ ] Areas that can be covered
- [ ] Website
- [ ] Pricing
- [ ] Any other policies?
- [ ] Promotion plan w/Maya
### Describe the feature
It would be nice to see what the effect of using `cdk destroy` is without actually destroying anything. The ability to see a list of resources which would be destroyed durin…