How should I fixed this when I have TMB already installed in R?
> library(TMB)
> ## Optionally:
> ## precompile()
> runExample(all=TRUE)
Running example ar1xar1
> require(TMB)
> set…
Using our current notion of equality of FinSets, we have `FinSetNC( [ 1, 2 ] ) = FinSetNC( [ 2, 1 ] )` but `AsList( FinSetNC( [ 1, 2 ] ) ) AsList( FinSetNC( [ 2, 1 ] ) )`. In the algorithm for the co…
**Modified by mtiller on 7 Oct 2008 18:14 UTC**
A frequent requirement is to either record or detect when a minimum or maximum has occurred in a signal. The two use cases are captured in these exampl…
I am trying to run this code on my data, and with regard to the input file (SISSO.in) , I have a few doubts and it would be great if you can clarify it a bit.
a. nsample (does it mean the nu…
I want to mine specified algo per pool
for example (lyra2z on blockmasters, phi2 on ahashpool, hsr on zpool, aergo and allium on zergpool)
please suggest how to achieve this?
The API looks fine for Bitcore and Phi2 on Zergpool (Plus), but both are showing 0.000 mBTC/day and are consequently not being utilized by NemosMiner v3.2. Likely due to 0 actual over 24h. Is there …
Wallet address and password currency is set for LTC, but poolsconfig is configured as follows for blazepool:
"blazepoolplus": {
"UserName": "DBminer",
I upload new t-rex miner: ftp://radio.r41.ru/incoming/t-rex-0.5.1-win-cuda9.1.zip
Temp directory.
Work Very good after 8hours test on HSR +2mh/s vs Alexis78 (1070ti)
My ps1 file.
. .\Include.…
ghost updated
6 years ago
Firstly, the start fit function in Workbench by BlueQuartz is not functioning. So I have to use EMDPFit.
In the `EMSPFit.nml` file, some parameters are undefined. This is found when running `EMDPFi…