Write the prices to a text file, including the time.
It's nontrivial to work out the price of something you're about to buy from the frontend until after you've bought it.
When we choose a Deck, we always look if there is a card which costs 2 and if there is one which costs 4. With 3 you can buy Silber but if there is no Card for 2 the Start with 2/5 Cooper in the begin…
Please can you create an option so that the catalogue page does not have the prices showing? At the moment even when something is free it says $0.0 which looks really ridiculous.
It's important to…
Dzisiaj dla [GET /sale/badges](https://developer.allegro.pl/documentation/#operation/getBadges) udostępniliśmy nowy obiekt **“prices.subsidy”**, w którym zwracamy informacje o:
- **sellerPrice** - kw…
For some parts I may not be able to get them from LCSC in a timely manner so I would like to have the possibility to add more sources for parts and connected prices.
(I don't expect it to integrate w…
There is a fullstop/"." after the price, even if they are displayed in "short".
Like "USD 5.55." - The fullstop makes sense in "full" display, as it is a sentence but should be removed in "short".
On hold, more details will follow