Здравствуйте, спасибо за ваш пакет, использую его в своем проекте.
Есть предложение по поводу
codes.loadData(function () {
codes.getRegionByTitle('Иркутская область', function (err, regi…
I'm considering adopting Dexie (or another promise-based IndexedDB wrapper) for my project, but am concerned about the danger of encouraging/allowing `await`ing of arbitrary promises that break transa…
What's the best way to go about doing that @calvinmetcalf?
Using Angular 1.5.8 and angular-cache 4.6
In my service:
if (!CacheFactory.get('projectCache')) {
CacheFactory.createCache('projectCache', {
deleteOnExpire: 'aggressive'…
Ideally the es6-promise-loader would reject the generated promises if loading the chunk failed. See http://survivejs.com/webpack/advanced-techniques/understanding-chunks/
Hey, guys!
I like a lot of this library and its performance improvements over other js libraries. However, one thing that I always have missed in React and other VirtualDom like libraries are suppo…
### Summary
Prettier removes Promise type annotations in TypeScript arrow functions, even with "arrowParens": "always" configured, making it impossible to satisfy TypeScript's requirement for gener…
I've tried to load `http://arti.commits.to/test_promise` from many browsers, both desktop and mobile. The "Creating your promise..." progress bar consistently stops at 80%.
With `htmlToBlocks`, I have a few deserializer rules where I want to do something async e.g. upload or query something to make a reference.
I'd like for `deserialize` to potentially be async. I kno…
_ = require('underscore.deferred');
var promises = [];
promises.push(new _.Deferred());
console.log('promises done');