Submit pretty much what you submitted for the assignment.
Total: 6/5
Team- 2/2 Graded by Paige McCartin
Individual - 4/3
Scrum Team GitHub pages (2 points) (2/2)
- Project Owner / Sponsor presentation(visuals like wireframes or HTML pages), results o…
These comments on the sections related to black box models made on the version which was live on Friday 8 November 2024. The sections outlined below are what was covered.
- [ ] A…
DepShield reports that this application's usage of [q:1.5.1](https://ossindex.sonatype.org/component/pkg:npm/q@1.5.1) results in the following vulnerability(s):
- (CVSS **7.5**) …
DepShield reports that this application's usage of [express:4.17.1](https://ossindex.sonatype.org/component/pkg:npm/express@4.17.1) results in the following vulnerability(s):
- (…
Here is a list of resources about licensing & open source.
Feel free to add one by commenting!
## Books & chapters
+ Understanding Open Source and Free Software Licensing https://www.oreilly…
## Total Score: 2.8/3
## Grader: Kamryn
## Team Score: 2/2
Scrum Team GitHub pages (2 points)
Project Owner / Sponsor presentation(visuals like wireframes or HTML pages), results of review, PII co…
Total: **4.9/5** by Leah Bogomolny
Scrum Team GitHub pages (2 points) [Review Ticket](https://github.com/SlimeyTurtles/jinjaturtles/issues/13)
- Project Owner / Sponsor presentation(visuals like w…
Hi, thanks for creating this software. We are interested in using it in our lab.
We note that [your paper](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12021-023-09632-8) mentions a deep learning-pip…