I am not really sure if this is a problem of the git bash or Windows Terminal, but here we go:
* I have the git bash loaded into windows terminal with this configuration:
It would be useful to be able to control the menus, and select text, using the mouse.
Both in X and on the console.
For comparison, the Tilde editor does this on the console via the `gpm` mouse …
Truetype fonts typically do not contain glyphs for combining characters.
This makes using them quite useless:)
If it is feasible to overprint non-combining glyphs in one display position,
I'd sug…
Truetype fonts typically do not contain glyphs for combining characters.
This makes using them quite useless:)
If it is feasible to overprint non-combining glyphs in one display position,
I'd sug…
Buenas, antes que nada me presento, ya que es mi primer posteo:
Soy Javier Ader, y vengo hace unos meses trabajando con Pragtico, creo que corrigiendo algunos bugs e intentando encarar algunas modific…
NuGet.org has this as an absolute URL.
The is a draft for adding arbitrary simulators [here](https://github.com/cscherrer/Soss.jl/blob/abc/src/simulation.jl). Would it be possible to just treat everything on the right hand side of a tilde …
Without this, paths with a tilde cannot be properly processed by action actions.
What do you think of this change?
A `` block is not created when having empty lines like so:
test: {
Where as using the tilde characters works fine:
test: {
### Requisitos Backend
El esquema de datos para alimentar el componente debe seguir la siguiente estructura: