Tracking as a separate issue this error first described in https://github.com/getappmap/appmap-js/issues/881.
Error: EMFILE: too many open files, watch '.'
at FSWatcher. (node:internal/fs/watcher…
- Add AppMap name to top of sidebar
- style the source code link to be consistent
- The content in the extension sidebar is displayed in the following order:
1. HTTP requests
2. findings
3. SQL querie…
### 📝 问题描述
1. 阅读模式下的点击文档翻译,没有反应,再次查看会是已勾选的状态,且没有报任何错误
2. 退出阅读模式可正常翻译,切换了百度、阿里引擎均无效
Reported by a user. Not entirely sure why this would happen....
Java version is 1.8.0_332
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at com.appland.appmap.process.hooks.SqlQuery…
Add updates to the extension to callout and promote sharing AppMaps
[Figma ->](https://www.figma.com/file/R8PeheLtHGu6ZOQawSz5VW/map-sharing?node-id=0%3A1&t=yz0nfxXGHoXY3ZUd-1)
Jest is using sandboxing to spawn tests. When this is the case, the transformer lives in a different global objects than the recorder. This is a problem because these two parts of the agent need to co…
Setup: JCEF of IntelliJ Community 2021.1 on Linux in the plugin development sandbox IDFE
How to reproduce:
1. Open a JCEF page, e.g. an AppMap or a Markdown file
2. Open another file, e.g. a json…
There are three different observed cases in which this happens. This will ultimately result in the indexer exiting with code 1.
Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, lstat 'c:\Users\User\Dev\MyProject'