[Enter feedback here]
Hi, this page contains an incorrect az command.
The command
`az servicebus namespace show -g '' -n ' --query id`
should (obviously) be
`az eventhubs namespace show -g …
### Bug Report
- import path of package in question, e.g. `.../services/compute/mgmt/2018-06-01/compute`
- SDK version e.g. `master`, `latest`, `18.1.0`
- Specify the exact commit if possib…
We are looking at using Azure Service Bus and quickly noticed that a `RootManageSharedAccessKey` is created for each service bus namespace [and cannot be deleted or disabled](https://stackoverflow.com…
tkent updated
9 months ago
### Link
### Database entry
# Summary
The front matter that is generated by the MS Docs publishing toolchain is failing the automated validation pass.
# Details
## Validation Issues
- Line 2, Column 1: [Warning-ms-pr…
### Report
Azure Eventhub Scaler does not seem to initialize blobs, and is stuck in a loop trying to fetch the current status of the checkpoints, until it fails without actually having read it.
### …
### Feature Request
I'm working on implementing BYOK encryption support for EventHub Namespaces in AzureRM terraform provider in this PR: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-a…
### Library name
### Please describe the feature.
The object EventHubProperties returned by EventHubProducerClient.GetEventHubPropertiesAsync() cannot be used to have insi…
### Library name
### Please describe the feature.
**Send events with a partition key to a specific partition (set both PartitionKey and PartitionID)**
Or be able to spe…
### The purpose and use-cases of the new component
I am currently developing an Azure Event Hubs exporter which is reasonably far along. If there is interest we would love to contribute it back to th…