**Describe the bug**
Metabase is able to connect to the SQL Server instance and query the list of tables, but it is not able to obtain any information about the columns.
As such, when building a…
## Clojure
- [ ] Why Clojure?
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When I add this project to project.clj, even though I have this
(defproject cljs-template "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write this!"
:url "http://example.com/FIXME"
:dependencies [[org.…
### Environment
- VSCode Version: 1.19.1
- OS Version: macOS 10.13.1
- Clojure Extension Version: 1.2.0
### Description
Unable to start repl debugger. I tried using the example project [here](…
➜ district0x-facts-db git:(master) ✗ clj -A:build-index-server
Error building classpath. nil
at java.util.regex.Matcher.getTextLength(Matcher.java:1283)
xlisp updated
4 years ago
I often temporarily comment out lines during development for alternative implementations etc.
standard-clj moves some of these comments which is very unhelpful for me:
Hi @jmckitrick
I was looking for some sample project from which I could learn about adding JWT authorization to a luminus based service application and I stumbled upon your demo, from which I coul…
build command (shadow-cljs): `yarn shadow-cljs watch functions`
build backtrace:
shadow-cljs - starting via "clojure"
Downloading: cljsjs/firebase/7.5.0-0/firebase-7.5.0-0.pom from clojars
Anyone else has problems with uberjar and compile? It just won't complete.
I have to use a Runner class as a workaround and run my clojure code without AOT which results in long startup times when I r…
ghost updated
8 years ago
When running stream2es with java version "1.6.0_51" on mac (OS X 10.8.4), I get the call stack below. Works fine with 1.7 for me.
To reproduce, run
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -…
brwe updated
11 years ago