Per the February 2016 Chicago MPI Forum meeting, [slides were presented](http://meetings.mpi-forum.org/secretary/2016/03/slides/fortran-datatypes-in-mpih.pptx) asking what to do when there are no Fort…
Is there a logical way to include scientific datatypes in the mineral observation map? If so, what in the browser would have a scientific datatype?
@kolans @zhonghao1014
Related to #4
We need to list the datatypes from `sf` that we want to support
From [doc](https://docs.vespa.ai/en/reference/document-json-format.html#tensor)
> Short form for indexed tensors representing binary data (with int8 cell value type): May use a string with a hex d…
## What I'm doing
I have a simple User model. I want to make sure its emails are unique. The documentation claims that this is possible:
**Github username:** --
**Twitter username:** --
**Submission hash (on-chain):** 0x502694a977b0b4659d5341adbcaabf4be8294cbd97fd5baa9abf6df97349c7a5
**Severity:** high
if an observation is using a dimensionProperty to reference a Literal such as :
"2012-01-01 00:00:00"^^xsd:dateTime, the Observation can not be retrieved.
Please take care if the Literal contain data…
_Submitted by:_ **Ashley**
Refer example code below.
``` rebol
>> (make block! []) = make block! []
== true
>> (make object! []) = make object! []
== true
>> (make task! []) = make task! []
== true…
When using archetypes modes with multiple data type options, I am facing some problems.
Symptom sign - severity category is 'text, coded_text' data type. When committing using ECISFLAT, using coded…