- entrances to bridges and tunnels (remove them)
- explore decay effect (separate diff-in-diffs)
- flag_LPIS##i.1year from LPIS activation
- flag_LPIS##i.2year from LPIS activation
I asked why t…
in order to reduce the load of maintenance, we should consider dropping `cmake/Findc-ares.cmake` if we can detect c-ares in [config mode](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/command/find_package.html#…
Hay una lista actualizada de los cupones de atraso que sobran? No me acuerdo cuántos exactamente he usado hasta ahora.
Además, quería preguntar sobre los comentarios finales. Hay que proporc…
* https://github.com/madprogramer/datashield-ansible-deploy/blob/5a07feebc9403d5bddf920ba8ed1425db3e6609a/playbooks/roles/datashield-R-setup/tasks/main.yml
TASK [datashield-R-setup : Install libicu…
Hello, could you help to releases an arm64 deb file for your release fork also? I'm currently using all Instagram tweaks with Dopamine jailbreak and I also want to use your fork of BHInsta. Thanks in …
We eventually would like to have magika installable via `apt`. Building a .deb is the first step.
I am getting the following error simply trying to build the container with make.
Any ideas here? pulled latest nvidia-container-toolkit and trying to build on Gentoo x86_64.
#11 1.877 Reading pa…
### Package description
apt-get functionality for .debs published in 3rd party repositories or via direct download
### Licensing
### Packages
Using the screen rotation option works (I use 90) but the mouse controls are still not rotated using the V7.0.0-RC1 Bookworm or Bullseye armhf debs on a Pi 3 with Bookworm/Bullseye PiOS 32bit installe…
While diagnosing the mis-building of some -pmXXX packages (https://github.com/fink/fink-distributions/issues/752), we've seen such packages get mis-built (incorrect .deb contents) and then installed w…