You have probably noticed already that Github offers a new feature of visualising geospatial data. This practically gives a kind of "geographical heat map" of commits and pull requests, which sounds l…
Rugged::Diff#tree returns Rugged::Tree instead of its instance. How to reproduce:
``` irb
irb(main):001:0> require 'rugged'
=> true
irb(main):002:0> repo = Rugged::Repository.new('.')
=> #
I have a custom matcher that expects an array of arrays of strings, for example `[['create', 'UA-12345-12', 'auto'], ['send', 'pageview']]`.
When I add `diffable` to that custom matcher and write a f…
I know that you're an avid keynote user but what are your thoughts on javascript based presentation tools like reveal.js, impress.js, deck.js, etc. I'm current working on an brown-bag presentation and…
I'm trying to build a model that performs a calculation that is unavailable in Theano. In pymc2, I could do this via a deterministic that acted on the numpy form of a random variable (e.g. `x.value`)…
I'm currently implementing Ogre binary mesh support for Assimp. Main bulk of the work is done now (https://github.com/jonnenauha/assimp/commit/4b16b182be7e3055b23d31bed24c7130753d85a2) and I would lik…
A widget is a primitive similar to [`Diffable`](https://gist.github.com/Raynos/8820812)
It allows for implementing sub applications, components, sub tree re-rendering, stateful components, thunks and…
Notice this output from https://travis-ci.org/rspec/rspec-expectations/jobs/19367516#L2953
calls failure_message if the match…