This ticket follows up https://github.com/vaadin/flow/issues/5081.
It's quite complicated even just describe the ticket.
The simplest description is:
Use base-starter-flow-osgi and add @Push annot…
Elastos — elastOS DApp Challenge
In my situation, most game servers I designed so far use `service` as an abstraction of everything. And millions of service could be in only a single process. For the purpose of robustness, `service` …
@albero94: Discusses about the implication of swarmOS into personal devices and its potential effects on people as a whole and the research team's progress on it. His thoughts are apprehens…
I'm a developer of the Trace Compass trace analyzer/viewer and I usually use LTTng for Tracing. I've been looking at the Open Tracing API to see how we can use that in the Trace Compass code.
It would be extremely good to have the ricochet IM on both of the main mobile platforms (android, IOS) as more and more people are ditching traditional computers for tablets and such.
### Motivation
Our current website serves up many PDF files. They can be easily found using google.
Such as this: https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk032G0vKTmeNlvlepndVXztTtzAJpg%3A1582830…
- [x] Flip card - http://callmenick.com/_development/transitions-transforms-animations/1-flipping-card/
attached are whitepaper ideas
a. ΛMetaCoq: A compiler pipeline integrating OCaml, MetaCoq, and Rust for formal verification and performance.
b. Proof of Replication (PoR): A nov…