Route id format is different in the original Jore data and the GTFS data set. The match the GTFS route ids, we need to drop the last character of the route id when it is a number.
This app is built around the assumption that the site was temporary and only data from Hastus matters. As such, the [import task][1] wipes the database and imports fresh (it also doesn't work at the m…
I have been using using the gt2bed perl script for conversion. Recently I came
across this.
I downloaded gtf file (refflat hg19) from ucsc table browser. When I convert
this gtf to bed, I…
I have been using using the gt2bed perl script for conversion. Recently I came
across this.
I downloaded gtf file (refflat hg19) from ucsc table browser. When I convert
this gtf to bed, I…
I have been using using the gt2bed perl script for conversion. Recently I came
across this.
I downloaded gtf file (refflat hg19) from ucsc table browser. When I convert
this gtf to bed, I…
I have been using using the gt2bed perl script for conversion. Recently I came
across this.
I downloaded gtf file (refflat hg19) from ucsc table browser. When I convert
this gtf to bed, I…
# 1) Briefly describe your problem and what output you expect
## Problem
Every now and then, a user opens a new issue saying that r5r doest not output results accounting for the transit network. F…
I am getting an error in the load gtf annotation stage:
python /homes/ural/soft/TAGET/TransAnnot.py -f $rna_iso_seq -g genome.fa -o $outDir -a $genomeGFF -p $cpu --use_hisat2 0
run minimap2…
kallisto v0.48.0
The documentation for the kallisto quant --genomebam option states that a gtf file is required,
but doesn't specify anything about the contents of that gtf file. For example, whic…
**Issue by [barbeau](https://github.com/barbeau)**
_Wednesday Nov 30, 2016 at 18:51 GMT_
_Originally opened as https://github.com/CUTR-at-USF/gtfs-realtime-validator/issues/33_
For TripUpdate.…