Comment here with the day you wish to present, the name of the software (linked to the website), and a sentence or two about what it does. Please link *your* `proposal.md` below. (You are encouraged t…
Hello Cellbender team!
I was browsing the troubleshooting page [here](https://cellbender.readthedocs.io/en/latest/troubleshooting/index.html#remove-background-troubleshooting), and it states to rep…
I read your articles and watched the videos about bringing back the ease of 80s and 90s personal computing. I feel your pain and I have had similiar usability issues with different operating systems a…
# Overview
Status: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/projects/18
The status for each project will be updated by the contributor who's driving it. If you have more projects that you intend …
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
This paper might be interesting.
> Cost of serving large language models (LLM) is high, but the
expensive and scarc…
### Prerequisites
- [X] I am running the latest code. Mention the version if possible as well.
- [X] I carefully followed the [README.md](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp/blob/master/README.md)…
We should create a 2-minute video introducing and explaining the project.
您好 我是一名大二学生 对您的项目十分感兴趣 现在正在努力学习跟进 虽然还没有遇到太大问题 但还是想请问可以得到您的联系方式吗 后续可能还需要麻烦您一下 相应的我也会向您提供(十分微薄)的报酬。。。。=)
还有一个问题是 之前我也在csdn上找过类似资源并进行尝试 无奈哈希率实在太低(?也有可能是其他原因)导致矿池根本检测不到任何数据。。也不会给我降低难度 所以最后理论能挖到矿 实际上一个都挖不…
In the `linalg.c` file that we need to write our functions in, the comments mention representing Matrices A, B and out as long arrays. I understand that this is so we can access each element of the ma…
This looks cool, a GPU based powder toy would make it run so much faster.