**Describe the Bug**
When a petitioner address is sealed, the petitioner's service indicator is displaying as "Paper" for IRS attorneys (associated and not associated) and the petitioner when the peti…
**Describe the Bug**
As a privatePractitioner I was able to enter the name of a petitioner on an unassociated sealed case and get back a result.
**Business Impact/Reason for Severity**
**In whi…
**Describe the Bug**
A docket clerk who completes QC of a document received between 7pm and 12am Eastern will errantly generate a second cover page because the system things the document was received…
See notes in "Actual Behavior" for discussion on 3/31 about scope of bug.
**Describe the Bug**
It doesn't appear that other petitioners or intervenors/participants (basically anyone other than prima…
**Describe the Bug**
Documents that have already been QC'd are still showing in the Docket Clerks' individual QC box and in the section QC box.
**Business Impact/Reason for Severity**
* Docket Clerk …
**Describe the Bug**
In 15197-20, a Petitions Clerk prepared and served an Order. The Order showed up on the Service list as being served, but was not added to the docket record:
**Describe the Bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
**Business Impact/Reason for Severity**
**In which environment did you see this bug?**
**Who were you logged in as?**
**Describe the Bug**
As the request of an attorney (bar no. EA0154), an Admissions Clerk updated her address and phone number. Although the address and phone was updated on the practitioner's profile…
As a Petitioner/Practitioner, I need to be able to accurately indicate which iteration of a document has been filed so that it can be correctly interpreted by the Court.
Currently, the UI for uploa…
As a public, non-credentialed user of DAWSON, so that I can find specific Orders in the public record, I need to be able to search Orders.
## Pre-Conditions
## Acceptance Criteria
* A public, …