Happy new year everyone.
The topic of support for websocket traffic inspection has been brought up before:
The desktop version of this library seems to be using an old version of Ktor and is incompatible with the binaries of Ktor 3.0.0. Could the Ktor version be updated?
Here's the error in question:
LOOHP updated
1 month ago
This would replace the two approaches currently supported by Ktor https://ktor.io/docs/2.3.12/server-configuration-code.html#embedded-custom
I am trying to set SSL configuration in my project.
I am trying to get my .jks from my .jar after compiling my project because I want to stay running server all animic as possible without f…
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO (0xc0000094) at pc=0x000000006d637ba2, pid=964, tid=0x0000000000000ec4
JRE version: Java(TM) …
Ten server už přerostl svoje možnosti a je potřeba ho do něčeho přepsat. Chtěl jsem tam teď něco opravit a uplně jsem se v tom zamotal. Je to původně napsané v ExpressJS. Ten je ale dost low level a b…
With the exact same code from de GUIDE about EventBUS.
import tornadofx.EventBus.RunOn.*
button("Load customers").action {
class CustomerControl…
Does the Kotless DSL currently support path parameters? I understand the documentation is a work in progress, so I tried using a few different common patterns e.g. `/users/:id`, `/users/{id}` just to …