MultivariateOptimizationResults constructor will fail of the function being optimized doesn't return a Float64. It would seem best if the Float64 params could be made Real.
Location found @ https://g…
python train_classifier.py movie_reviews --classifier sklearn.LinearSVC
I got this
train_classifier.py: error: argument --classifier/--algorithm: invalid choice: '
The name of the method is horrible, but it should be useful ... this follows this discussion
and a query from Kevin Wright.
The only co…
In `lmer`, `optimizeLmer` is called with `control=control$optControl`. `optimizeLmer` calls `optwrap` twice, the first time using `control=control`, and the second time (in the `restart_edge` conditio…
The example fit of a GLMM with pedigree-based random effects in the `pedigreemm` package fails on the initial fit of a glmer model without pedigree-based random effects. The reason is because too lar…
Would it be useful to list maxfun=10000 under the ?lmerControl() arguments?
densityplot() fails in the following example for fm1, but not for fm2--obviously,
a problem with the correlation parameter. Is this param not meaningful for densityplot?
xyplot() and splom() work fine…
I have isolated the problem in the function that determines the conditional mode of the random effects using PIRLS but my attempts to solve it have not been successful. If you check out the `db/radic…
Hi, I'm running Julia 0.2.0 on Windows (64 bit). Running the example in doc for Rosenbrock.
for the command:
optimize(f, [0.0, 0.0])
optimize(f, [0.0, 0.0], method = :nelder_mead)
error mess…
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