discussing with Metabolights folks during annual Cosmos Meeting:
Arquivos como cartas que começam em uma página e terminam na próxima carta, apresentam erro de paginação ao enviar para o site, pois não é possível publicar dois arquivos de um mesmo fascículo com nom…
Para referências bibliográficas de um mesmo autor, o PubMed Central repete a autoria e ordena cronologicamente essas referências bibliográficas. Contudo, para as revistas de norma ABNT é comum que se …
It would be great to be able to read ANY valid NLM XML file using Lens just by specifyin the URL. Something like
Right now the function `alm` (just changed name from `almplosallviews`) has four parameters for each of the four ID types, and you can only use of them. It would be nice to be able to detect them auto…
I am processing MEDLINE and full text from PubMed Central. I am using the classification program with the preprocessing offered by default by TEES but it turns out to run very slow. I am wondering i…
I haven't thought this through entirely, but my suspicion is that they should.
That said, it could prove a migration challenge and I'd prefer to avoid another structured/unstructured fork for ``.
Just a 1 hour overview: is it worth following this up on a future sprint or not?
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/default.py:463: SAWarning: Unicode type received non-unicode bind param value.
Traceback (most …
Input DOIs, delimited by whitespace: Getting PubMed Central IDs for given DOIs … found:
Downloading “http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pmc&id=”, saving into directory “/home…