For OME WebRTC contains specific requirement (Signalling Protocol Conforms to the OME Specification)
Not too sure if its possible to run it in another video player.
Do you know any other alternati…
### Steps to reproduce
1. git clone https://github.com/blackuy/react-native-twilio-video-webrtc.git
2. Move to the Example directory: cd Example
3. Install node dependencies: yarn install
4. Insta…
# Expected behavior
When I update the local participant with a custom config, the subscription should be changed.
# Describe the bug (unexpected behavior)
When we implement screen share…
Hey. I am working at a project where during webrtc live connection users can watch video. While video is active audio tracks are disabled and muted. But after unmute and enable and if one of devices i…
I'm using the plugin on android ,
when i call the method displayIncomingCall() it doesn't show any result,
when i use the then callback after displayIncomingCall() it returns value but doesn't show…
Hello, all of WebRTC function work normally to me, my app run ok in production. But now i found the strange problem:
while I am calling(using iPhone) + got other phone call, then I lost the sound,…
Example https://github.com/atyenoria/react-native-webrtc-janus-gateway very much outdated. And not compatible with new versions react-native-webrtc
import { RTCPeerConnection, RTCIceCandidate, RTCSessionDescription, MediaStream, mediaDevices } from 'react-native-webrtc'
const options = {
audio: true,
video: { frameRa…
# Compatibility Report
- Name of the game with compatibility issues: Sea Of Thieves
- Steam AppID of the game: 1172620
## System Information
- GPU: RTX 2070 Super
- Driver/LLVM version: Nvidia …
When I Import This statements
import {