wondering if there is already work being done on updating creating and consuming SOAP services with new versions of the Spring Framework 6 and Spring Boot 3?
At the moment current example pr…
I want to evaluate the test some approaches to organize source code. Preferably language agnostic, but Java just fine.
- Package by features
- Isolation of modules
Architecture S…
### Describe the bug
I get this warning when running your demo against
JDK 23
Gradle 8.11.1
Changing it back to 24.5.0, the warning is gone.
2024-11-24T18:36:10.593Z WARN 30540 ---…
I have a problem in the integration of pgjdbc with spring jdbc. Spring JDBC code:
Vulnerable Library - spring-boot-2.7.5.jar
Path to dependency file: /telegrambots-spring-boot-starter/pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /Users/alexmaybaum/.m2/repository/org/springframework/sprin…
I know `PartTreeJdbcQuery` support Slice/Page since https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-relational/pull/952, but I need use `@Query` for customized sql and Pageable in parameter when my sce…
### Expected Behavior
It should be possible to have reasonably sane project names, e.g `version` in a multi-project build AND use typesafe project accessors.
### Current Behavior
A project de…
`WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter` has been Deprecated in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/10822
Hello, is there any chance to upgrade to support spring boot 3.0.0 please?