Hi @guillaumekln ,
I have generated Transformer model using this repo. I'm running the serving model and it runs perfectly fine. AWS released something called as [Elastic Inference-EI](https://aws.…
First of all, thanks for the release of music transformer. I love it!
Before getting the script to generate the zero sized files, I hit the following error.
IOError: No files found based on the…
I was trying to measure how much speedup I can get by using Volta (V100-PCIE) but found none... and seems even a bit slower.
On both machines
I used nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:18.12-py3 docker image…
When I run distributed training following the guides in https://github.com/tensorflow/tensor2tensor/blob/master/tensor2tensor/docs/distributed_training.md,
I configure with 1 ps and 2 workers.…
Hi, I am not sure if you are feeding the right input to the decoder.
(pg. 2) "Given z, the decoder then generates an output sequence (y1, ..., ym) of symbols one element at a time. At each step the…
In the readme file, 4 GPUs can achieve a BLEU of 28.35 and even 28.67 when training more epochs.
GPU count | Mixed precision BLEU | fp32 BLEU | Mixed precision training time | fp32 training time
This issue encompasses all the exploration required to ensure we can say that tensorflow 2.0 is supported.
There is a good overview covering what is new [written by the tensorflow team](https://mediu…
I am able to train a g2p model by g2p-seq2seq, but the problem is this model can't be used by pocket sphinx. If tried it always ends with error "RuntimeError: new_Decoder returned -1".
On the other…
@ankushagarwal Hi. I also am trying to pip install two packages (seaborn, imblearn) on a jupyter notebook in kubeflow (trying to create a pipeline for a workflow). I tried several different alternativ…
I noticed that with 1.10.0 a shuffle buffer get build up before training:
2018-11-09 11:48:04.525172: I tensorflow/core/kernels/data/shuffle_dataset_op.cc:97] Filling up shuffle buffer (this m…