Title: Unsecured Vulnerability on GET:/api/v1/primary-transaction
Project: NetBanking API
Description: The unsecured exploit gives an attacker full access to the vulnerable endpoint without credentia…
**Describe the bug**
xsser shows: You have found: [ 4 ] XSS vector(s)! -> [100% VULNERABLE]
This is one of it from the 4 detected.
[+] Target: https://www.thiswebsite.com/blablabla…
我不能在beef里导入metasploit 。。。。。help
i can not take metaspoit in beef
my kali is 2.0....
Our security scan says that the API is vulnerable to cross-site scripting. It says when it provides:
to a browser that has the cross-site scriptin…
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Hi Team,
I followed the steps in this page to test. I found that when I authenticated, my access token was stored in Local Storage. It's not safe as I understand it. If there is XSS in the application…
Hello Everyone,
This is a question regarding the utility of the module multi/meterpreter/reverse_https
Hi @OJ
I was the one who was asking here.
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* https://github.com/beefproject/beef/issues
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Title: DDOS Vulnerability on GET:/api/v1/orgs
Project: NetBanking API
Description: The Application DDoS exploit allows an attacker to overwelm you Application/DB by requesting seemingly large resourc…
Title: DDOS Vulnerability on GET:/api/v1/orgs/allorgs
Project: NetBanking API
Description: The Application DDoS exploit allows an attacker to overwelm you Application/DB by requesting seemingly large…