I also installed the firmware. bitmaker-hub.github.io I found NerdMinerAP but MineYourCoin password is incorrect.
Allow an image to be scanned rather than just from the camera.
`FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':audioplayer:verifyReleaseResources'.
> java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: com.android.builder.intern…
How to make a middle section of the camera activity bordered and the scanning should be done between that section!!
如题,通常我们在Camera回调函数onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera camera)获取预览帧数据data,然后对data进行一些诸如转换、保存到文件的操作,以每秒15帧为例,帧与帧之间的间隔时间约为66.7ms,这意味着需要在66.7ms内处理完对data数据的转换、保存等工作,而文件写入操作有时候写入一帧的时间可能达到200ms,这样就会造成UI线程阻塞,o…
#### Hello, I met some issue with Onesignal Gradle Plugin when upgraded my project to React Native 0.60.6.
When apply `com.onesignal.androidsdk.onesignal-gradle-plugin` gradle build always rise Error …
org.aspectj.weaver.BCException: Whilst processing type 'Lcom/hyphenate/chat/EMCallManager$EMVideoCallHelper;' - cannot cast the outer type to a reference type. Signatu…
I am using `MultiFormatWriter` to generate qrcode to present them in my mobile app.
I generate them within a thread and can be generating them in parallel.
Randomly i end up with images like those b…
java weekly news
Version: 3.0.0-beta5
Platform: Android 10/API 29
Scanner initialization (in code behind):
protected override void OnAppearing()
if (Scanner == null)