I recently found out about the AppMap utility and I'm trying to incorporate it into my Rails app via IntelliJ. However, after installing the gem and configuring it, any request I make results throws t…
There is not much information available on telemetry about these failures.
From this [log](https://portal.azure.com/#view/Microsoft_Azure_Monitoring_Logs/LogsBlade/resourceId/%2Fsubscriptions%2Fa4af4729-21ee-4e0a-953c-33cc9db5295c%2Fresourcegroups%2Fvscode-extension%2Fprovid…
A user tried to map this repo: https://github.com/shai-almog/NetflixCloneServer
They were unable to connect to the server for remote recording. They also noticed that the `-javaagent` arguments were …
➜ sequence-diagram git:(feat/seq-diagram-diff-text) ✗ npx @appland/appmap-agent-js -- jest
(node:16544) ExperimentalWarning: --experimental-loader is an experimental feature. Th…
Output directory for AppMaps should be based on recorder type, e.g. for JUnit tests run with maven, it should be `target/appmap/junit`.
Tracking as a separate issue this error first described in https://github.com/getappmap/appmap-js/issues/881.
Error: ENOSPC: System limit for number of file watchers reached, watch 'venv/lib/p…
`appmap-java` needs to add `recorder.type` to the metadata object in AppMaps it generates. Without this, the maps don't get categorized correctly in the UI.
Trying to create an AppMap of code that uses the `multiprocessing` module raises an exception.
For example, with a project that looks like this:
├── __init__.py
├── hw.py
└── mp.py