Imported from JIRA [DS-3620] created by no-reply
We use SWORD client version 1.0 to deposit package to demo.dspace.org, but we are not able to add metadata "Publisher" and "Rights" in the item.
So tea…
Hi @ENT8R , man, you are quick. It is impressive how quickly you can whip something up like this. So, here are the promised requirements. What @rugk writes is well-meant, but in my opinion, he is miss…
Following Issue #39 add the Researcher nodes and their relationships to publications
Reported by @mconlon17
The URL value must begin http:// otherwise VIVO will treat it as internal. So, for example figshare.com should be http://figshare.com.
Reported by Michael:
"The label for the person should be family name, given name. Currently it is given, given."
Rather than years of philosophizing about the interpretation of different wavelengths of light, and the tendency of the human brain to assert patterns onto our perceptions[1] ... how do we model sha…
### Summary
- What does this package do? (explain in 50 words or less):
Codemeta defines a 'JSON-LD' format for describing software metadata.
This package provides utilities to generate, …
Happy to add the AppStream, an "Infrastructure for distro-agnostic software-centers and software metadata handling" to the crosswalk if so.
The 19111 EC needs some advice on modelling of the relationship between a dynamic CRS and zero to many 'deformation grids' which associated with but not part of the CRS definition. The datamodel shoul…