1. Your model was trained on a 6000-image dataset. So for each image, how did you crop them?
2. What's your training/validation accuracy after you finished training the model?
### Issues Policy acknowledgement
- [X] I have read and agree to submit bug reports in accordance with the [issues policy](https://www.github.com/mlflow/mlflow/blob/master/ISSUE_POLICY.md)
### W…
We should add the possibility to include a switching function on the angle to define a hydrogen bond. I do not know if there is a conventional way to do it.
I am trying to implement linear regression from scratch (both in terms of code and math knowledge) for learning purposes.
I went from loops to NumPy, then from computing the gradient by hand to le…
### Ticket Contents
## Description
A Task Manager is a platform for managing task, subtask & events for users. It offers a user-friendly interface to maintain the task, subtask & events. This plat…
因为 task-specific data 有限,难蒸馏出好 student model,所以用 mixup 增强数据,teacher 对插值的输入预测,student 学习该预测结果(loss_3,带调节系数超参),直接学插值输入对应的插值标签(loss_2,带调节系数超参),学习原始数据(loss_1,无系数)。提供了一些理论证明,在GLUE上做了实验有效。
**Title** Nistats: the General Linear Model, fast and easy
**Presentor and Affiliation**
Bertrand Thirion, Inria
Nistats is developped by a growing international community fr…
## Description
Avanti's online interventions consist of live classes and quizzes. Links are created for each and shared with students via various routes such as WhatsApp, Email, and SMS. Currently, t…
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I just have a couple of clarifying questions to ask.
I am a little bit unclear how you come up with final 0.9544 Dice coefficient value in the published MIScnn paper. Is there some kind o…