### One-line summary [问题简述]
该问题是在4.0.0版本之后才有的,之前3.x的版本没有这个问题。详情的代码可以查看我的Github仓库链接: https://github.com/LaiHuanMin/Issue-echarts-4.x-bug
### One-line summary
![qq 20171114162539](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7412531/32770009-09bd0adc-c959-11e7-96f7-32bea34d073f.png)
动态减少bar chart 中的series数量时,图表上无法动态渲染减少后…
## Environments
* Framework name: Vue
* Framework version: 2.x
* Moveable Component version: 0.17.6
can not build vue project when i update from 0.16.x to 0.17.6 ,
what does i missing?
I can use the dispatchAction like this:
type: 'highlight',
type: 'downplay',
seriesIndex: number|Array,
seriesName: string|Array,
Seems like echartsInstance.setTheme() is deprecated in 3.x, is there any alternative to this? Would be great if it accepts registered theme name same as echarts.init() :)
## Please try to use English to describe your question or issue.
**Describe the bug**
X86 platform, was working, after pulling latest, can't open any page, all blank, ariaNG, FileBrower or Rclone.…
### One-line summary [问题简述]
虽然用grid left right可以解决,但是这个只能设置外边距,设计要求贴屏幕边显示,不能单独设置某个axisPointer的位置,和axisLabel的位置么?因为只是最左边和最右边无法完全显示。
先是一个unique-key的警告,再是Can only update a mounted or mounting component的警告,中断了渲染进程
option = {
dataset: {
// 提供一份数据。
source: …
### Current behavior:
We take a screenshot of an element:
which is clearly within …
### 🐛 bug 描述
无法访问`localhost:8000`,加载一段时间后报错 `Error: Cannot find module './locale'`
### 📷 复现步骤
1. 新建项目,Javascript + antd4
2. `yarn`
3. `yarn start`
4. 访问 `localhost:8000`
### 🏞 期望结果