The code can use full vectorization with `numpy` to achieve better efficiencies
Estimators could be created automatical as a predefined alias.
Problem with the transformation which could be applied to the histogram count (linear, low, sqrt, ...)
### Error estimator (as in RO…
the multiblocks are much weaker than the multiblocks in gregicality legacy and gt++
I hope that the multiblocks can use same or less energy as normal machine with Parallel Control Hatch.
Hello, I am training on 192 wav files of around 7 seconds duration on a Tesla V100 GPU. While training, I monitor the GPU Utilization with the `nvidia-smi` and the results that I get is that i highly …
Hi, I'm very interested in your work but I had a question about the computation of KNN.
The network is efficient due to the random sampling strategy. But I notice that the network still uses KNN to f…
Define a boolean truth selector:
T(v1) = { c | zfit - ztrue | / (1 + ztrue) < v1 }
and a boolean data selector, for example:
D(v2) = { c (z68hi - z68lo) / 2 / (1 + zbest) < v2 }
First and foremost, when no users are connected to the web server, the system should automatically quit any active torrents. It makes no sense to spend server resources downloading a file that no one …
Simulate lab 6 studies, make sure MRD paddles are giving the right result.
See [documentation](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/13528839?hl=en).