Hi, I am little bit unclear about how reader producing answer from given documents? I am using a model which was trained on squad2 dataset. I want to know how model is producing answer f…
I wonder if we can convert seq2sick to a text classification based attack according to this paper: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.emnlp-main.495.pdf
Since we already have seq2sick to attack …
Congratulations to your EMNLP Findings2020 acceptance! I can't wait to go through the code to learn more details about your model, so I wonder when would you release the complete code of your model t…
Congratulations for your EMNLP paper. Very exciting and impressive results. I was wondering whether you could share the data preprocessing scripts that you used to extract the video features…
I attended the live session but couldn't go through the entire session at the time. Is it possible to access the video anywhere? I logged in to the EMNLP site but there's no URL for the video. …
## Metadata correction: Capitalization of the title
Our paper's title should be capitalized like this: Unsupervised Stance Detection for Arguments from Consequences
As dem…
- Check everywhere to replace ACL with EMNLP. That includes files and file names.
- Update EMNLP date
Update the sponsor overview page, take the info from https://2020.emnlp.org/sponsors . You might be able to reuse the data from https://github.com/acl-org/emnlp-2020-virtual-conference .
**Please be sure to add the Anthology ID in the title**
[See here](https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/info/corrections/) to read about the three types of corrections.
## Metadata correction: pleas…