- EMQ X version (e.g. `emqx_ctl status`): latest
- Hardware configuration (e.g. `lscpu`): alpine 3.13 on virtual machine
- OS (e.g. `cat /etc/os-release`): Alpine 3.13
- K…
I am installed emqx in AWS with the default `node.name = emqx@`. It is working fine.
Now I wanted to make cluster. So according to doc, I have to change the `node.name` to `Name@Host_ip_a…
#### Environment
emqx docker-compose.yaml configure dashboard is not valid.
- "EMQX_NAME=emqx"
- "EMQX_LOADED_PLUGINS=emqx_auth_mysql,emqx_management,emqx_reco…
**Version: 4.3
Environment: Windows Server**
I recently updated the EMQX broker to **version 4.3** and ever since erl.exe takes around 99% of the CPU when traffic comes in. And subscribers aren't …
Trying to figure out what I am missing, using the example user in a ou called devices, only difference is I am using the stock mdb database on an existing small setup (not sure if that matters) to tes…
#### Environment
- OS: Ubuntu
- Erlang/OTP: Not use
- EMQ: latest version
#### Description
I deploy EMQX using docker-compose but it seems something wrong with EMQX web management.When I sw…
`EMQX Version : 4.3.1`
`NATS Version: 2.2.2`
When I bridge EMQX to NATS, there is a protocol incompatibility problem。
From the status it looks like the bridge plugin is working properly.
#### Environment
- OS: Docker
- Erlang/OTP: R22/
- EMQ: 4.2.10
#### Description
用MQTT.fx或者Pythonpaho.mqtt,订阅和发布信息到 $queue/at/test 中 QoS 1,无法接收到数据。Dashboard中监控队列,显示数据已经被丢弃。
Are you planning to implement configuring Rule Engine by config file?
It would be great to have that ability making broker`s restart less pain.
Thank you!
debian10 with docker install running emqx open sorce edition
- EMQ X version (e.g. `emqx_ctl status`):
4.3 rc2
- Hardware configuration (e.g. `lscpu`):
- OS (e.g. `cat /…