# Description of the feature
Enable users on touch devices to add measure annotation type with drag (touch screen -> drag -> end touch) instead of tapping in the start and end points.
# Library re…
## Describe the feature
Remove configurations of inactive revision's services from istio-proxy, via istio's exportTo feature.
A revision creates two kubernetes services (rev-00001, rev-000…
The aim of this proposal is to have more of a one-to-one correspondence between the Twitter Topics and the entities of context domain 131 Unified Twitter Taxonomy.
As of now, the Twitter Topics fe…
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
type Foo =
inherit IDisposable
let blah () =
([] : Foo list)
|> Seq.iter (function | :? IDisposable as x -> (…
### Feature Proposal
When two plots have very close Y values, the annotations are overlapping and can hide each other, for example in our app:
@katyb @bherr2 @andreasbueckle
Thursday 2-17-2022 Met with Female Reproductive Group for ASCT+B Generator Script discussion--Kate O'Neil and Stephen Fisher UPenn
They wondered if there could be a w…
**Which component are you using?**:
**Is your feature request designed to solve a problem? If so describe the problem this feature should solve.**:
Consolidate the APIs used in…
**Is your enhancement related to a problem? Please describe.**
Various components within Harvester have received patches to work with Kasten K10, but there is no convenient way for Harvester user t…
ex: @JsonbNamingStrategy(PropertyNamingStrategy.LOWER_CASE_WITH_UNDERSCORES)
In jackson @JsonNaming can be used on a class to define naming strategy.
### 🔖 Feature description
I'm cross posting feature opened in backstage/community-plugins - https://github.com/backstage/community-plugins/issues/568
Implementing this feature requires changes on `c…