I'm trying to come up with a minimalist hex sticker, but I'm having some problems when creating an empty sticker (i.e. that contains just the package name). The first time I try to create it using `st…
Hello! Fantastic package, I have been looking for a way to easily switch between light and dark mode themes in RStudio for ages.
I noticed that the dark themes I tried (a11y-dark, base16 3024, base…
When creating histogram or bar charts the standard expansion factor of `0.05` creates an unsighty gap between the bars and the x axis.
ggplot(mtcars, aes(hp)) …
Vidim, da si v poročilo vključila Shiny aplikacijo, a ni označeno, naj se požene kot tako. Ko prevedeš poročilo, te bo vprašalo, ali ga želiš pognati kot Shiny - izbereš *Yes, Always*, pa se bo v glav…
HI! You can find my [Readme here](https://github.com/rishadhabib/STAT545-547-hw-habib-rishad/tree/master/hw08-shinyapp) and my [Shiny App here](https://rishadhabib.shinyapps.io/hw08-shinyapp).
Thank you very much for this great package. Is there any control over the multi-scale clustering? For example, in my analysis, I have ended up with a couple of large clusters which I would like…
Geometry of Culture
Code and data associated with the ASR paper on the Geometry of Culture. The full paper can be found here: https://journals.sag…
Your post often states that dplyr is slower than data.table and uses many qualifiers eg "much, much" slower but you do not clearly define what you mean by much slower or give clear information about w…