After seeing some of the complexities in implementing storm motion and shear, it seems like we need a `Vector` container to make it simpler to group vector components.
- A simple wrapper around a `Qu…
Our [migration helper](https://github.com/solidusio/solidus_support/blob/master/lib/solidus_support/migration.rb) was introduced for supporting the upgrade from Rails 4.2 to 5.x, which introduced supp…
# Latex Cheatsheet - Thoughts - Ambarish
Making custom blade helper functions is fairly standard for anything other than small projects so I think it'd be nice to have a file / directory where such functions can be placed.
I started the i…
Create a separate helper application for Kee to communicate with, instead of direct WebSocket communication with the KeePassRPC server.
This will allow KeePass to be launched from the browser and p…
Use helper directives instead of writing them inside my blade directly. for example instead of using:
`{{ Illuminate\Support\Str::ascii('û') }}`
use something like :
Dear All,
I am using setfield for indexing in terribly complicated tree structures naturally present in tree data. Since I frequently need programmatically adapt lenses, it helps a lot, if they are…
Could be intersting to have auto-alignment of shapes helper (as in powerpoint for instance) :
lines appears that show you how to align vertically or horizontally, and they are "magnetic"
I see the issue of the stars not working when deploying to Heroku.That's my current situation also.
One of the solutions posted has a fix for changing the jquery.raty.js file to jquery.raty.js.erb I…