Sorry for this stupid question. I have search it on google, and I find nothing useful s…
环境: Mirai 2.13.3, Mirai-Console-Loader 2.1.2-61c8bd8
2023-01-19 11:44:49 E/mirai-skia-plugin: Exception in coroutine Plugin xyz.cssxsh.mirai.plugin.mirai-skia-plugin of mirai-skia-plugin
Currently, our format API can be used in two ways: with explicit serializer, and with inferred from the type parameters, for exaple:
// Explicit
val jsonString = Json.decodeToString(MyClass.ser…
Currently the [rewriteVersion](https://github.com/openrewrite/rewrite-gradle-plugin/blob/f881a23f3339e12c5db16d8446de12167642038a/plugin/src/main/java/org/openrewrite/gradle/ResolveRewriteDependencies…
W/BilibiliDynamic: Linked class io.ktor.client.engine.okhttp.OkHttp in onebot-mirai-0.3.4-fix.jar but plugin not depend on it.
2022-07-17 00:27:58 W/BilibiliDynamic: Class loading logic may change i…
Kobby supports generation of Jackson annotations for DTO classes to provide serialization / deserialization feature. But Jackson does not support Kotlin multiplatform serialization / deserialization. …
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MCL ??? 2.1.0?????? Mirai 2.11 ???????????
12:19:57 [INFO] Verifying "net.mamoe:mirai-console"…
The library is not generating the correct @property for the defined StateFlow.
Is there a script or command that needs to be executed for the correct code to be generated?
Thanks for the plugin! I started to use ktor, found jte and was happy to find an IntelliJ plugin for the template engine :)
With 2023.2 EAP, I got this exception at runtime: