Hi! I'm trying to make the bot to reply to commands. I think everything I did is right, but the bot do not respond.
Laravel 5.3
My codes:
Route::get('/set', function () {
Is there any sample by this SDK in PHP, I want to use this but I couldn't config and run in for my Bot.
or Is there any documentation about how should I config this SDK for webhook?
I have a big ERP and I want to include this bot into it. DB structure is obscure part for me.
Do I really need `php-telegram-bot` DB structure or not? Is it used only for log or something else…
Hey there @irazasyed , doing my first steps implementing a bot with Laravel 5.4. Everything works fine btw :)
Just a question about mentions. I've created a couple of commands, extending the `Teleg…
Migrando da #2:
Wrapping up e sugerindo:
- Matemática divertida {repo}
- Introdução a Lógica {repo}
- Introdução a Estrutura de Dados {repo}
- Introdução a Algoritm…
how use thid api in laravel
nice work.
it works very nice and the setup was very easy. thank you.
but how can I use this code for persian language?
mrmrn updated
7 years ago
Os numeros de documento só saem com máscara de CPF, ou seja, a API corta o CNPJ e resulta um número errado. Como faço para mudar para sair com a máscara em CNPJ?
I tried to follow the "Getting Started" from readme.io.
It was all okay until I tried to set the webhook, but not receiving any answer from Telegram.
So I figured I need to assign an "excepti…
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