Hello! I'm using the similar videos function, I have like 3000 videos, many of them are just a few seconds long, and less than 1 Megabyte in size.
When using the similar videos function, it fails w…
I'm reporting this here as well as in the Plex forums because I don't know where the problem lies, and I don't know enough about the Plex/Tuner interface to debug the problem myself.
locast2plex ve…
I just noticed the option "Sync Playback to Display" now appears in video options using my Shield 16G.
On official Kodi forum developers keep on claiming this option is not possibile in Android. I…
Though this project is in early development stages, I've found that it doesn't seem to yet support parsing a manually set (in ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc) LS_COLORS. Use of `ls` as an alias to `gls` …
Currently our mediacore determines which audio and video formats it suports in two idfferent ways: For audioformats there is a blacklist and an additional list of extensions, that need to be in the li…
OS: Ubuntu 16.04
I got the received signal SIGBUS, Bus error when running;
I gdb it and get the following information
`Thread 1 "rtmp-stream" hit Breakpoint 1, stream_video (width=800, height=600…
berli updated
6 years ago
Hi @lelegard!
I have a TS file with a single program and two streams. I'm working on an application using the C++ library to try to demux the second stream's data so that I can use it in the applic…
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FreetuxTV 0.5.0 installé sans aucune erreur via les sources sous Ubuntu
10.04 64bits.
Le programme démarre correctement et lancer une chaîne ne pose aucun
problème. Cependant, le changement de c…
FreetuxTV 0.5.0 installé sans aucune erreur via les sources sous Ubuntu
10.04 64bits.
Le programme démarre correctement et lancer une chaîne ne pose aucun
problème. Cependant, le changement de c…