hello, when I use CnR-flow for one sample with treat file but no ctrl file. It detected the input,but said Unknown variable 'R2_Files'.
My command is :
`nextflow run CnR-flow --mode run`
The output…
[NOTE]: # ( ^^ Provide a general summary of the request in the title above. ^^ )
## Summary
The map selection view is not scrollable and requires shrinking the resolution to see more maps. This …
The current documentation describes the parameter `data` for the [Image element](https://pysimplegui.readthedocs.io/#image-element) as:
`data - if image is in RAM (PIL format?)`
According to [An…
### Summary
The different terms used by New Relic for App Development aren't that clear to a new developers. Perhaps a Terms or Glossary page would help to define the key terms that we use.
Semaphore failed to authenticate than use network_cli module in playbook, but ansible run playbook whith no errors.
**Bad output from semaphore**:
`2:47:34 PM
Task 103 added to queue
Netmiko sends the enable password right after sending the "enable" command without verifying if the password is actually needed. Without `no ip domain-lookup` the timeout expires and the command fails…
[NOTE]: # ( ^^ Provide a general summary of the issue in the title above. ^^ )
## Description
[NOTE]: # ( Describe the problem you're encountering. )
Created a brand new account on New Relic…
### Objective
Explore the feasibility of providing a mechanism to generate API keys via CLI command.
- Can we also generate `nr1` credentials and/or configuration?
When I initially ran the configuration script I choose No Spectrum but the display showed the spectrum on the left. When I checked `/home/volumio/NR1-UI/ConfigurationFiles/LayoutSet.txt` it had (I thi…
### User Story
As a user I'd like to now use nerdstoragevault to store my personal access tokens since this was made available as secure storage mechanism. Though the current version of the Github …