When I enabled the plugin it appears to have some issues with the tika parser. I added extractor to plugin.includes and then customized the extractors.xml with the following:
So the pdf doc…
Send out emails to:
- ESDSWG opensource + geospatial list (+all list)
- ESIP all + opensource + geospatial list
- Apache Tika, OODT, Lucene, Nutch, Solr Gora lists
Mentioning remote parti…
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Running the crawler crashes the JVM some times. I crawl around 10 web sites
regularly with pages between 1K to 50K. This happens randomly but happens very …
Method call returns "false":
DEBUG - SiteMapParser - 169.
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Running the crawler crashes the JVM some times. I crawl around 10 web sites
regularly with pages between 1K to 50K. This happens randomly but happens very …
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Running the crawler crashes the JVM some times. I crawl around 10 web sites
regularly with pages between 1K to 50K. This happens randomly but happens very …
Tried out your 3.1.1 version of Sql4Dclient with the sample data, using the simple INSERTs. The .csv file was successfully created, and mysql duid_tasks table registered and showed the tasks. But it …
Method call returns "false":
DEBUG - SiteMapParser - 169.
Method call returns "false":
DEBUG - SiteMapParser - 169.
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