wasn't completely fixed in #6585
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a Designed Template with OpenBank Theme
2. Create a page and choose the template from 1
3. Add some content and check the live version o…
If a conditional flow is not found in the Proxy Endpoint, we should return a 404 instead of a TargetEndpoint not found error.
There are a few complex javascript callouts, e.g. https://github.com/apigee/openbank/blob/master/src/gateway/oauth/apiproxy/resources/jsc/ValidateRequestJWT.js
We should unit test these as shown in…
There is a hardcoded value in the openbank/src/gateway/oauth/apiproxy/policies/Assign-ID-Token-Payload-authorization_code-flow.xml
currently the tests pop open the chrome browser for automation. In the last few months, it has been possible to use headless chrome: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2017/04/headless-chrome
replace `gulp deployopenbank` with `gulp openbankdeploy`
New entries created with each new deploy when option to use datastore is selected.
I finally able to deploy to Apigee Edge. However, there are 3 proxies that are consistently getting errors.
- Locations Proxy
- Product Proxy
- OAuth Proxy
Here's the part of the log:
Trying to run **npm init_portal.js** to deploy the custom dev portal to pantheon according to the instruction provided on the repo, however such file doesn't exist or was deleted. Could you please upl…