Today I was looking on http://stateofwebtype.com/ for support of Mark to Mark Positioning (`mkmk`) and saw it was not listed. There is a current discussion on[ CSS Fonts 3 required default OpenType pr…
Blink currently collates Katakana to Hiragana because both will be mapped to `kana` in OpenType, and reducing the number of script runs, even only for this case, is surprisingly a big win for the perf…
> node -v
> yarn -v
I see error while installing.
`yarn add react-native-photos-framework`
> error /path/to/project/node_modules/react-native-photos-framework: Command fai…
Hello, I installed the fonts on my kobo e-readers but unfortunately, they do not work. Is there any way to make the fonts compatible with kobo's system? Thank you so much!
[Web fonts - Learn web development | MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Styling_text/Web_fonts)
In addition to the FontForge application and its documentation, we should include a collection of sample files demonstrating best practices and tutorial content. These could include, among other thing…
Section 2.4 states "Does the script in question require additional features to support alterations to the position or shape of glyphs, fo…
Has anyone been able to bundle custom fonts with this?
I'm struggling to get my custom fonts served up in the .tmp folder, and eventually the dist, also.
const webpac…
TTOASM and TTODASM software only for TrueType font.
#### Document Details
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i'm trying to load arial font (.ttf) but when i load it all text dissapears.
This is how i'm loading fonts
`var arial = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/assets/fonts/arial.ttf');
var fontArial = new …