diagrams-cairo- (Brent Yorgey byorgey@gmail.com @byorgey,@fryguybob,@jeffreyrosenbluth,@bergey) cannot use:
- optparse-applicative-0.10.0 -- >=0.7 && =0.7 && =0.6 &&
diagrams-cairo- (Brent Yorgey byorgey@gmail.com @byorgey) cannot use:
- optparse-applicative-0.9.0 -- >=0.7 && =0.7 && =0.7 &&
diagrams-cairo-1.1 (Brent Yorgey byorgey@gmail.com @byorgey) cannot use:
- optparse-applicative-0.8.0 -- ==0.7.*
diagrams-lib- (Brent Yorgey byorgey@gmail.com @diagrams) cannot use:
- optpar…
So I know you guys don't officially support GHC 8 but I'm thinking if a minor change can be made to work for both GHC 7.10 and GHC 8 then it wouldn't hurt to do so.
[Sierra, El Capitan, Yosemite bu…
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.371]
HIE at 97f67d4
Running `stack build --copy-compiler-tool` results in failure with following output:
[0mghc-mod-core- build (lib)[0m
I'm on Gentoo testing. I can install GHC, but then you're supposed to install haskell-platform apparently. Adding into this to get VSCode HIE plugin working you need Stack. The Stack that gets install…
Hi, I'm stuck trying to get the try-reflex script to work on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux). I even updated to the insider preview builds as suggested by #177 and am now on 17661.rs_prerelease but …
To my surprise, I was able to make a parser work by simply flipping `combinedParser = fooParser barParser` to `combinedParser = barParser fooParser`. In this case `fooParser` was failing, but I woul…
As logged [here](https://github.com/haskell/haskell-platform/issues/304#issuecomment-397975894)
When I followed the setup instructions in the ReadMe.md:
$ cd path/to/applied-fp-course
$ cabal san…
optparse-applicative- is out of bounds for:
- [ ] bench-1.0.4 (>=0.2.0 && < 0.14). Gabriel Gonzalez @Gabriel439. @Gabriel439. Used by: executable
- [ ] diagrams-cairo-1.4 (==0.13.*). Brent …